June 13 - All There Is

Slightly earlier 





adventure -- 6th of season, 2nd for Harriet -- the Western Scrub Jay not returning at all... Hallelujah! May the peace continue.. on this 84th day of summer, high a comfortable 87.

Through the course of the day and night, compose page 25 of Hamlet, and make a run for it re Alban Berg's Three Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 6, No. 1, score study: through system 12 (only 5 to go, for 17 total).  Also finish re-readings of Richard Brautigan's In Watermelon Sugar (1968) and

Keith Abbott's Downstream from Trout Fishing in America: A Memoir of Richard Brautigan.  Also, in continuing to peruse the RB website, surveying all the reviews of IWS and obits,

decide that the (potentially haunted) house at

9 Terrace Avenue, Bolinas, must be visited someday, and that

Ianthe Brautigan's You Can't Catch Death should be aquired and read.  Would be nice to visit her at Santa Rosa Junior College, although she is evidently on sabbatical at present.

Additionally, take in no less than four videos, all interesting and worthy, including: Olmsted and America's Urban Parks (but alas with relatively little California [Berkeley, Stanford, Yosemite] or Massachusetts [Philips Academy Andover] material),

The Day Carl Sandburg Died,

Michael Moore's as usual brilliant, daring, funny, thoughtful, though, perhaps somewhat suspect Bowling for Columbine (the media, yes, but some of the fear, at least, is certainly justified), and

Border War: The Battle Over Illegal Immigration.