March 18 - The Green Veil

Party over for a while, perhaps -- high of 69 (so close), Harriet out to the doc, and

following suit (the out part) down the beauteous corridor, on this first day of Spring Break week,

scenically via 80 and

4, zig-zagging dizzily, head spinning, senses alert, spring popping out all over --

to DVC, lab work including composing The Decameron - Fourth Day: Novel 1, page 5, and continuing a new performance edition of Ecclesiastes, or The Preacher (Op. 3): I (2).

Coffee at BJ's, and late in the afternoon,

a round of financial



and out again to drop more flyers off at Berkeley Arts Festival re Opus 3 (8pm, March 30), then checking on the status of the two print jobs at CopyWorld.

Over the Bridge for San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra Board Meeting for a


convivial time -- and, through spritzes of rain along the dark corridor, home.