November 22 - Blustery Hunger Stranger, Great Rift

The relentless winds continue, but at least as Santa-Anna-like "northers," they tease the tempertures up to one more perhaps last summerlike day (227 of season), just cresting the mark at 70, researching James Newton Howards The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2012), acquiring a copy of the 2012 first-of-trilogy, finishing a re-reading of

Albert Camus's The Stranger, and taking in with Harriet

another beautiful, enlightening, splendiforous (and bonussy quite lengthy) video, re East Africa (and a bit o' the Middle East) The Great Rift: Africa's Greatest Story, over composition of page 52 Double Piano Concerto ("Fellow Travellers"): III, sending out plenteous Bela Bartok Duke Bluebeard's Castle: Door 5 material to Opus Project folks.