August 23 - New Arrivals and Departures
The replacement
washing machine arrives,
and it is quite a
the updated model featuring
new bumps and grinds,
with a net result of near
televisiony cleanliness,
on the 152nd day of summer,
high 91 (62nd 90+),
watching relavatory / sobering videos with Harriet,
while composing the fourth pages of Psalm 102 and At a Medical Deposition. Also do some reconstruction on the site, particularly re the third-oldest entry + Sergei Prokofiev, Olivier Messiaen, and Alan Hovhaness -- discovering a Catch 22: re-uploading the pictures (or any editing, for the matter) results in all the audio tabs playing the last-sound-file-on-the-page. This must be fixed by re-pasting in all entries in the html mode (not a welcome task when some pages have 5-10 or more sound files, and this must be double-checked against the versions stored in Cyberduck, since, over the years, a new nomenclature has evolved). Now beginning to make photographic backups of all online material...