More amazing student compositions, including one from Dmitri Sanborn, in both piano and guitar manifestations.
Before this, review of Week 5 material and Louis Bourgeois's Old Hundredth as Dictation / Keyboard-Solfege / Board Harmony,
plus a bit on various forms of inside-the-piano techniques.
Even more antecedent, the commute,
lingering in the office thereafter with students,
before errands and a
detourish procession homeward,
via 80's Sulfur Springs Mountains (due to a grassfire adjacent to 680).
Once finally home to Harriet,
voluminous videos,
on the 178th day of summer (high 89),
composing page 30 of At a Medical Deposition and Psalm 102.
Oh, yes, and also finish re-reading Ernest Callenbach's Ecotopia (1975).