July 5 - Fresh Voices XIII

Goat Hall Productions


Fresh Voices XIII: Mischief and Mayhem

Allan Crossman


Where Are You? (John McGrew)

Supriya Sanjay
Richard Mix
Molly Mahoney

Mark Alburger

The Decameron - First Day  (after Giovanni Boccaccio)

Kate Bautch
Sarita Cannon
Cass Panuska
Jill Wagoner
Mark Alburger

John Bilotta

Quantum Mechanic (John McGrew)

Betina Smith
Justin Marsh
Sarita Cannon
Michelle Jasso
Molly Mahoney
Mark Alburger


Begin composition of The Decameron - Fourth Day: II,  then take Aesop to get shorn,

proceeding down to the


rehearsals, weather finally cooling off to a moderate 82 locally on this 104th day of summer --

and a brisk 65 in

San Francisco.